All systems are operational

About This Site

This is the auvious status page where you can see the current status of our servers and get updates on how our system is doing. When we become aware of any issue with our systems, we will post an update here.

If you are having any troubles with auvious, please make sure to let our team know at

Past Incidents

14th July 2023

No incidents reported

13th July 2023

No incidents reported

12th July 2023

No incidents reported

11th July 2023

Video & Audio DNS related malfunction

An issue occurred today, while migrating the DNS zone to Google Cloud DNS. A missing DNS alias entry caused our European service to malfunction for several minutes. This was not detected by the monitoring system, because it uses a different (not an alias) DNS entry to check the liveness of the system. The missing alias was added, but also the system configuration was updated to not use the alias, in order to avoid any more downtime due to DNS caching of missing entries.

We're sorry for any inconvenience, and we're currently making sure to update our systems in order to avoid any similar situations in the future.

10th July 2023

No incidents reported